Skedzy helps companies improve profitability and security by adopting open source solutions.
- WordPress installation, configuration & support on Linux servers
- Micro Focus Enterprise Server configuration & administration
- Linux & Unix system performance analysis
- scripts to start, stop & monitor processes (bash, python, shell)
- Linux & Unix system administration, DevOps and architecture
- migrations from mainframes to Linux or Unix
Skedzy understands that the demands of concurrent projects plus the appearance of unexpected problems can outstrip the current capacity of departmental system administration FTEs. Net result: temporary deficits in system administration capabilities. Skedzy can fill the gaps and help your department meet its objectives.
Skedzy knows how to work within a corporation’s security standards and change management policies to comply with corporate infrastructure standards while at the same time providing significant cost reductions and tangible value adds.
One brainstorm session with your infrastructure team can identify key areas where you will enjoy significant benefits from an engagement with Skedzy.